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Hüe - Les clochettes des muguets

Les clochettes des muguets


Les clochettes des muguets,
Frissonnantes sous la brise,
Carillonnent de légers,
Discrets et subtils parfums.

Je les écoute, un à un,
Doucement je les respire;
Ils ont l’arôme si fin
De ton éclatant sourire,
Ils ont l’éclat radieux
Et fleurant bon de tes yeux;

Les clochettes des muguets,
Frissonnantes sous la brise,
Carillonnent de legers,
Discrets et subtils parfums.

Jean Bénédict

The little bells of the lily-of-the-valley


The little bells of the lily-of-the-valley,
quivering in the breeze,
chime peals of light,
discreet and subtle scents.

One by one I listen to them,
softly I breathe them in;
they have the delicate fragrance
of your beaming smile,
they have the radiant sparkle
and blossoming goodness of your eyes;

the little bells of the lily-of-the-valley,
quivering in the breeze,
chime peals of light,
discreet and subtle scents.

© translated by Christopher Goldsack

A FREE accompaniment with and without melody line is available on the Mélodie Treasury website. Click here to go to the right page.

Please be aware that some of the original French texts on this site are still in copyright. The translations are offered here for study purposes.

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